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1. Defining the Cultural Heritage Travel Niche - Smithsonian Institute & USAID Turizam

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46 İzlenme
Webinar "The Ultimate Toolkit for Designing and Packaging Immersive Cultural Heritage Experiences" aims at building local capacities and understanding of best international practices for designing and packaging cultural heritage tourism experiences.

What will you learn:
- Learn how to define and identify cultural heritage niche;
- Gain deeper understanding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage through a series of case studies and practical work;
- Become aware of the principles of Cultural Heritage Mapping; Become familiar with the process of Cultural Heritage Product Gap Analysis;
- Understand the five-phase process of Designing and Packaging Cultural Heritage Tourism Experiences: Ideation, Conceptualization, Pitching, Packaging;
- Acquire new skills in Story Telling techniques.


Topics covered in this video

Defining the Cultural Heritage Travel Niche:
• Travel trends, market size and dynamics
• How markets have evolved with COVID-19
• Defining cultural travelers: motivations, needs, expectations

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