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2 Aug 2020 | English Worship Service | Mark of a Disciple: A Childlike Humility

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Welcome to Mt Carmel BP Church Online English Worship Service!

Meet us on Zoom after service from 10.15-11.30am!
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86715962030?pwd=MW1hNWNmZVdBOG9qbVpUaDcrZVBrQT09
- Meeting ID: 867 1596 2030
- Passcode: 201721

God desires each of us to know, love, and worship Him for who He is. By the Holy Spirit, God reveals Himself to us through the Person of Jesus Christ. In dying on the cross, Jesus accomplished what we could not do – He restored our relationship with God. As a church of five generations, we bring generations together to love God and love people.

Connect with us online: http://carmel.sg/connectwithus
Contact us at [email protected] or contact our pastors directly via their emails on http://carmel.sg/contactlist

The Carmel Weekly: http://carmel.sg/the-carmel-weekly/
E-giving: http://carmel.sg/egiving

Every Sunday, our English Worship Service (EWS) premieres at 9am on http://carmel.sg/live and our Mandarin Worship Service (MWS) premieres at 10.45am on http://cws.carmel.sg/live
Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications.

See you online next Sunday!
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