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47 İzlenme
This video deals with a-z of investment options available for beginners to kick-start their investment journey. It also helps the others to re-look at their current investment plan, diversify their investment portfolio and thus ensure they have a Balanced Investment Portfolio.

The video will give Investment Insights to the following areas and help create a balanced portfolio: Bank Savings Account
Bank Recurring Deposit
Bank Fixed Deposits
Stock Market Investing
Mutual Funds
Corporate Bonds
Government of India Bonds
Real Estate Investing Residential
Real Estate Investing Commercial
Real Estate Investing Industrial
Real Estate Returns
Investment Ideas
Investing tips
Investing ideas
Investment tips
Investment ideas
Diversified Investment Plans
Investing tips for beginners
Investing tips for young investors
Investment tips for beginners
Investment tips for young investors
how to start investing
how to start my investments

Video also covers some Investment strategies and Investment Risks and talks about how to diversify your investment portfolio, how to balance investment portfolio, how to manage your investment portfolio and thus minimize risk.

Finally, this video touches on some of the common investment mistakes that people do and how to avoid those mistakes

Disclaimer: All things discussed in the video are purely from knowledge sharing point of view and is not to be taken as a recommendation from me. Viewers are advised to do their own due diligence and research before investing in any of the investment options mentioned in this video. Thank you.

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Finance and Crypto
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