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Arctic Science Diplomacy Webinar Recording

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45 İzlenme
The Arctic has long been the setting for collaborative scientific discovery, but tensions related to the Cold War and now the worsening conflict in Ukraine have curtailed effective cooperation. At the same time, the intensifying climate emergency that disproportionately threatens the Arctic has been described as a security threat by policymakers in both the U.S. and Russia, leading to calls for more science diplomacy. In this webinar, Mr. Devyatkin will revisit the history of U.S.-Russia Arctic science diplomacy and examines how previous initiatives can help us to understand what can be achieved, as well as the challenges that have to be addressed, and Dr. Uryupova will present on the intersection and governance of scientific-commercial activities and naval operations in the Arctic.

Migration in Harmony is a Research Coordination Network on Arctic migrations funded by the National Science Foundation. We are a network of researchers, practitioners, and traditional knowledge holders working to synthesize current research, jointly identify and prioritize research topics, and build collaborative project teams to support a resilient, just, and sustainable Arctic in motion.
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