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Bank of England Interest Rate Decision August 2023 - My Take

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36 İzlenme
The Bank of England is battling core inflation of almost 7% which marks is its highest rate of increase in the UK in over thirty years. UK investors are focused on the policy response of the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee as it pushes up the cost of borrowing to cool but hopefully not crash the UK economy and get inflation back under control. Hear our summary of what the MPC says and does and what it means for investors and homeowners in the UK.

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Take A Look At Some Of My Other Videos & Playlists
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???? Portfolio Building Blocks playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlqeAQqQK7TdRdp-hLnL5oxsaRjJZVSyn

All information is given for educational purposes and is not financial advice. Ramin does not provide recommendations and is not responsible for investment actions taken by viewers. Figures that are quoted refer to the past and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.
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