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Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures - You MUST BE SHARP to FIND AND SPOT the Difference from INTRO Part 2

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Also let us know what is your favorite character that you would like to see
as Find the Difference Challenge, and we will make a video

Check out the other similar video challenges:
1. https://youtu.be/zjEwtZeZXh0
2. https://youtu.be/5Tku8vlvnhk
3. https://youtu.be/QpsNyEp6p9I

About THIS Video:
R U Ready is presenting "Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures" Find the Difference Challenge.
There are 5 differences for each of 5 pictures. 1 minute for each picture.
You get 1 point for each correct findings. Keep your score and let us know at the end of the video, what is your score and which STAR are you.

Enjoy the challenge. Hope to see you again.
Thanks and..Good luck !!

#barbie dreamhouse adventures #find the difference #spot the difference

#Barbie adventures #barbie dreamhouse find spot the difference
#barbie #barbie doll #barbie adventures
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