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Best countries to study abroad for free ✈️????????Budget-friendly study abroad destinations ????????

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The best budget-friendly countries for international students to study abroad for free! ????????✈️ ➡️Get the free 'Study Abroad Budget Guide' with the best money-saving tips + advice to calculate your own study abroad budget: www.lauralangheinrich.com/budget ????✈️

DISCLAIMER: This video only scratches the surface of information on study abroad in each country and aims to inspire more in-depth research. I do not guarantee that the information in this video is correct as I got it from doing research online myself. Really hope you still find this video valuable! ????????????

Resources I used ????????




LET’S CONNECT ????????????????

➡️ Join the Girls Study Abroad FACEBOOK GROUP - a supportive and safe space for girls all around the world who want to study abroad ????✈️???? www.facebook.com/groups/110741726355513/
➡️ Follow me on INSTAGRAM to follow my travel adventures + behind the scenes of my life ???????? www.instagram.com/Laura_Langheinrich
➡️ Add me on FACEBOOK and let’s chat about all things study abroad, travel + empowerment ???????????????? https://www.facebook.com/laura.langheinrich

ABOUT MY CHANNEL ????????????????

I am Laura, a 21-year-old German small town girl studying abroad in Scotland (I also did a semester abroad in Canada). This channel is all about my life as an international student and lover of travel, personal development and food. Subscribe for study abroad themed videos, travel vlogs, routines & lifestyle videos!

This channel is for ambitious big dreamers who want to get inspired + empowered to study abroad and create a life on their own terms. ????
Hugs, Laura ✨

CONTACT ME ????????????✨
For YouTube Inquiries like sponsorships, brand collaborations + other business requests: [email protected]

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