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Dhi Hair Transplant Turkey | DHİ Turkey | Hair Transplant | Dr. Emrah Cinik

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Direct Hair implantation Turkey (Dhi) Dr. Cinik

In this video, we present some of our patients' hair transplantation results from Dr. Emrah Cinik. Our patient tells us about her hair transplantation experiences. An effective result was achieved in our patient with the technique applied. In this way, S/he has received all the information needed afterwards. You can see other patients or those who are suffering from hair loss in our channel. You can reach us at the following contact addresses.

® www.emrahcinik.com
[email protected]
☏ +90 555 879 00 44 ✆ +90 542 234 00 34

INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/dr.emrahcinik/
FACEBOOK ➤ https://tr-tr.facebook.com/dremrahcinik/

Do not skip the following playlists!
Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών στην Τουρκία - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2GcwRxz
קליניקה להשתלת שיער - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2GcOBbX
Hair Transplant Turkey - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2GaWTRI
Transplante Capilar Turquia - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2Lm2DMU
Haartransplantatie Türkije - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2xLNhbJ
Trasplante Capilar Turquia - Dr. Cinik https://bit.ly/2Y0nNG1

Hair transplantation is the primary treatment method for hair loss and baldness problems. For those who desire to have hair transplantation, FUE and DHI techniques are the best methods in the hair transplantation process.

FUE hair transplantation technique is a surgical type of follicular micro-technique. It’s applied by taking the follicles of the donor area on a single basis without the need for stitches and without leaving any traces. These follicular units are divided to 1, 2, 3 or 4 hair groups are removed and carefully prepared in their natural groups. In principle, it is a better technique than the other because the follicles are taken naturally from the donor area.

The DHI method is the same as the extraction fue method. They use micro-motors get the graft, but the implantation process is different. They use the implanted (choi) pen in the Implant process, this is the choi technique. Therefore, sometimes this method is called choi method. With DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), hair roots are placed one by one in the planting area, which must be covered in the same way. Each hair follicle DHI patented tool is placed in a specific direction, angle and depth due to the DHI implant.

Dr.Cinic Hair Transplantation and Plastic Surgery Hospital (Hair Hospital ?) has been treating patients around the world for over 15 years, with more than 10000 hair transplants (FUE, DHI) performed and numerous experienced medical staff with a professional services .

Hair transplantation, beard and eyebrow transplantation, synthetic hair transplantation, hair pigmentation and PRP treatments are offered at the Hair Transplantation Hospital.

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Whatsapp : +90 542 234 00 34
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