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Diddy On Diageo Lawsuit, Ciroc, Economic Unity, Challenges Being A Black Billionaire, & Media Power

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In this exclusive live interview at Invest Fest, Diddy delves into the key moments and decisions that shaped his iconic career:

- Unearthing the inspiration behind the creation of Bad Boy Records.
- A candid reflection on the continued oppression, even at the pinnacle of success.
- How Bad Boy's primary objective was to disrupt and redefine the music industry.
- Diddy's powerful assertion: "Nobody is coming to save us."
- Insights into business: The importance of not being too attached and knowing when to sell.
- Diddy's underlying mission: Bettering the lives of Black people.
- Navigating the nuances of fame: Handling jealousy as a Black billionaire and dealing with haters.
- A deep dive into his dispute with Diageo over Ciroc and why he's pursuing them for racial discrimination.
- Diddy's perspective on media, terming it as the most influential industry globally.
- Personal growth: The invaluable business lessons he garnered from running a marathon.
- The vision for his new R&B album and his efforts to revive the true essence of R&B.
- His thoughts on financial ownership and the alarming racial wealth gap.
- Diddy's commitment to fighting for racial equality, underscored by his lawsuit against Diageo.
- And so much more, including a peek into his forthcoming projects and his strategies for success.

Join us for this enlightening conversation and gain a deeper understanding of the man behind the legend. Don't forget to subscribe for more exclusive content and insights. #diddy #InvestFest #BadBoyRecords #ciroc #revolt
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