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'Don't Be Afraid of Small Caps' – Five Stocks With the Greatest Opportunity in the Market

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With the first month of 2023 officially in the books, investors are trying to get an idea of how the rest of the year will unfold. And that's exactly what Matt discusses on this new episode of Making Money With Matt McCall. Then, he shifts his focus to a sector that's often feared and overlooked by both the average investor and big firms on Wall Street – small caps.

Matt examines the performance of a few small-cap exchange-traded funds to see how they've traded in recent years and how they'll likely perform in the long term. And finally, he highlights five small-cap stocks that meet specific criteria he wants to see when looking in the space. Tune in to get the names of each.

#investing #inflation #federalreserve

00:00 S&P trend
6:50 Fed’s February interest rate announcement
8:29 Small-cap stocks
17:10 US top holdings
19:22 Sterling Infrastructure (STRL)
24:47 Sylvan chart (SLVM)
26:00 Avid technology (AVID)
30:00 Thorne HeallthTech (THRN)
32:59 John Bean Technologies (JBT)

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