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Don't Make Excuses, Baby | Learn to Admit Mistakes for Kids | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs | BabyBus

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Momo makes something wrong, but she always makes excuses and blames others, which makes everything goes worse.
Watch the video to see how she learns to admit mistakes and solves them on her own.

BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYye8D5fFMUPf9nSfgd4bA?sub_confirmation=1

Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault
Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault
It’s not my fault
It’s the blanket’s fault
It held me so tight
So I could not get up
Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault
Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault

It’s not my fault
It’s the bag’s fault
It lost my homework
So I could not bring it
Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault
Not mine, not mine, it’s not my fault

It’s not my fault
It’s the block’s fault
It went here and there
I could not put it away
It’s Mom’s, It’s Mom’s, It’s Mom’s Fault
It’s Mom’s, It’s Mom’s, It’s Mom’s Fault
It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s all my fault
It’s mine, it’s mine, it’s all my fault
It is all my fault
I won’t blame others
I’ll do it by myself
I have no excuse
I’ll do it by myself
I have no excuse

BabyBus has released four best albums for kids! Best Car Songs, Best Food Songs, Super Rescue Team, and Classics for Kids!
All the music is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and more!
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