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ETHEREUM Buy Signal, We Invested $20k!!

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In today’s Ethereum price prediction video, I'll show you why we invested $20k into the crypto market as we see several buy signals. I'll also discuss how I think ETH will react to the incoming interest rate hike tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3, and where I think the market will head next. You'll want to snag the indicators as this plays out, they are on sale now!

❤️ Have a great day, God bless, and I'll see you in the membership!

We try to respond to comments every weekday, but if I don't get to you, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll respond ASAP ????

Do not act on any opinions expressed in this video. This is NOT financial advice. These are strictly personal opinions presented by Trade Confident LLC representatives. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Crypto is extremely risky, expect to lose everything. Always do your own research and consult a financial advisor before investing.

Video Topics: #Ethereumpriceprediction #Ethereumnewstoday #Ethereum #crypto
Finance and Crypto
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