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Ethereum, Quant, XRP, ADA, LINK, ALGO, VeChain, HBAR, DOT, Matic, Litecoin, AVAX, Filecoin, ATOM

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/// REFLINKS ///
⭐Krypto traden (-15% auf Handelsgebühren lebenslänglich)
[BITGET] https://bit.ly/3FYXyoC

⭐Sicherste Art um Krypto aufzubewahren:
[LEDGER-Hardware-Wallet] https://bit.ly/3FZiRqi

⭐Aktien für 1€ traden:
[TRADE REPUBLIC] https://bit.ly/3hApcyZ
[SCALABLE CAPITAL] https://bit.ly/3YuAFRl

⭐Mein Chartingtool:
[TRADINGVIEW] https://bit.ly/35DaEbD
/// KAPITEL ///
00:00 USDC News
00:40 Bitcoin
02:40 FED Notfallmeeting
02:56 Ethereum (ETH)
04:22 Cardano (ADA)
05:40 Ripple (XRP)
06:41 Quant (QNT)
08:00 VeChain (VET)
08:37 Algorand (ALGO)
09:04 Chainlink (LINK)
09:41 Polygon (Matic)
10:05 Cosmos (ATOM)
10:24 Polkadot (DOT)
10:45 Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)
11:11 Avalanche (AVAX)
11:19 Filecoin (FILE)
11:37 Litecoin (LTC)
Kanalthemen: Trading, Chartanalyse, Preisprognosen, News, Krypto, Aktien
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