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Farm Animal Sounds & Names for Kids & Toddlers | BabyTV

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Kids learning farm animal names and farm animal sounds with BabyTV's special animal series. Join BabyTV's lovable Finger Family from the popular show Who's it, What's it, guess which farm animal is hiding and sing along to fun animal songs. Subscribe now: http://bit.ly/1U73Sg2

This animal series will introduce a variety of animals: horse, sheep, cow, pig, rooster, duck, bee, donkey and many more.

Kids can enjoy guessing which parts or steps belong to which animal, while learning the names of the animals and the sound they make. Children can enjoy participating in fun animal games and watching playful animated animal videos.

00:15 Horse
02:03 Rooster
04:02 Donkey
05:29 Sheep
06:55 Pig
08:40 Cow
10:31 Duck
11:52 Bee

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