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First United Methodist Church of Portland - Worship Sunday, January 3, 2021

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Happy New Year from First Church!

We will be celebrating Communion this Sunday, please have elements, bread, crackers, etc… and juice, tea, water, or any other elements you have on hand ready during worship.

Worship Series: Aha! I Might Be Wrong!
Sermon: Re-Calculating
Scripture: Matthew 2: 1-12; Ephesians 3: 1-12
Preaching: Rev. Donna Pritchard

You can view/download a copy of the bulletin here:

You can make your general and Christmas offering online at https://www.fumcpdx.org/give

Checks can be made out to “First United Methodist Church” and mailed to:
1838 SW Jefferson St
Portland OR 97201

Register Your Attendance or Share a Prayer Request here: https://fumcpdx.org/contact-us/

Listen by Phone
If you or someone you know does not have access to the internet, you can now listen to the 10:30 am Sanctuary service by any phone. The services are updated each Sunday morning by 10:30 am so, you can also listen any time throughout the week.

To Listen: Call 1-503-272-1513 and that’s it!
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