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Foot Locker Stock Was A BUY at $30 For Me!!! (March 2022)

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FL Stock Video March 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfS4bJH2VLo
My passion is to look for low risk high reward investment opportunities. I apply my accounting skills and investing experience in order to find interesting investment ideas that offer the possibility to lead me towards my financial goals.
If you are a sophisticated investor looking for in depth, independent stock analyses and investing ideas, here is my STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (business and sector risk and reward analysis, my portfolios):



Are you an investor that is just starting? Sign up for the FREE Stock Market Investing Course - a comprehensive guide to investing discussing all that matters: https://sven-carlin-research-platform.teachable.com/p/stock-market-investing

I am also a book author:
Modern Value Investing book:
Finance and Crypto
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