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France in crisis as riots escalate - BBC News

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The French government has said it is considering all options - including declaring a state of emergency -  after a third night of escalating violence and rioting in cities and towns across France.  

Hundreds of police were injured last night and more than 900 people arrested. Ministers asked for public transport across France tonight to be suspended, and some major events have been cancelled as the government tries to stop scenes like this taking place for the fourth night running.
The protests began in a Paris suburb on Tuesday when a police officer shot dead a 17-year-old boy of north African descent during a traffic stop in the Nanterre. Footage of the shooting was posted online.
The unrest quickly spread across France, fuelled by accusations of police racism and wider discrimination against minority communities.

Around 45,000 police officers have been deployed on the streets.  

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Katya Adler in Paris.

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