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Global investment continues to spur economic growth in Canada [Invest in Canada FDI Report 2022]

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Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Canada continued to outpace its 10-year average in 2022, reaching $64.6 billion. While the annual figure dropped slightly after a strong performance in 2021, FDI continues to drive growth in Canada’s economy.

The numbers show that reinvestments made up the bulk of FDI in Canada in 2022. While investment remained strong from the U.S. and parts of Europe, three countries emerged as high-growth markets for Canada: Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom. In addition, total FDI stock in Canada reached $1.3 trillion in 2022.

This video offers a summary of Invest in Canada’s FDI Report 2022, featuring the facts and figures behind Canada’s performance.

For more details, explore the FDI Report 2022. It highlights the numbers, the trends, key industries and who’s investing in Canada.


See the Invest in Canada FDI Report 2022:

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