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Hair Transplant Results - Rotalife Hair Clinic in Turkey

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Get the most dense and natural looking hair possible with the DHI (Direct Hair Implant) method. This is the newest and most comfortable method available, with no shaving, no scars, and minimal damage, bleeding and scabbing.

In the DHI (Direct Hair Implant) method, hair follicles taken from the donor area are placed into implanter pens that allow simultaneous canalizing and hair follicle implantation.

FUE, which stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, is a common hair transplantation method. It is carried out throughout the world. It is a product of cutting-edge technology and it provides people with great results. FUE method was first introduced in 2003 and since then, it has evolved significantly.

It is possible to have natural and permanent hair with FUE Hair Transplantation method.

These technologies is used in its three branches in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya, and ensures great results in hair transplantation. You can contact further information about Hair transplantation clinic.

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