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Hey Bear Sensory - Veggie Disco! - Dance Party! - Fun Video!

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Hey Bear Sensory - Veggie Disco! - Dance Party!- Fun Video!

Welcome to Hey Bear Sensory!

Key features of this video

- Bright music with lots of rhythm to encourage movement
- Builds positive relationships with healthy food
- Friendly characters
- Bright colours for tracking

Track list
It’s A Party - Wolves
Coolness - One Wave
Let The Music Play - Artlss
Dukey Disco - Jordan Childs

Music tracks can be found on SoundStripe, PremiumBeat and YouTube Audio Library

You can download Hey Bear videos to watch offline from Wayokids!


For free activity sheets, cut outs, assets for making cakes and decorations, and printed apparel visit https://www.heybearsensory.com
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