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Investment Outlook | Outlook 2023

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53 İzlenme
2022 was a year to remember, being challenging at best, and brutal at worst. In a year that saw supply chain bottlenecks, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and rampant inflation, there were few places for investors to hide.
Although many of these issues still remain, going into 2023, valuations across many asset classes have moved materially enough for us to finally see some opportunities emerging.
In the latest Investment Outlook, our panel of experts – Oliver Cartade, Head of Asset Management, Karsten Junius, Chief Economist and Philipp Bärtschi, Chief Investment Officer, discuss their views and expectations for 2023.

00:13 Introduction
00:42 Look back at 2022
02:41 Mild recession this year?
05:16 US dollar weakening
06:32 Portfolio positioning
08:25 Fixed income opportunities
08:59 Equities opportunities
09:41 Alternative investments
10:44 A look at private credit
12:19 Hedge funds
12:39 Speakers’ top investment ideas 2023
Finance and Crypto
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