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It Wasn't Me It Was Ignacio! EXPLAINED Season 6 Better Call Saul Nacho & Lalo in Breaking Bad?

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Hey guys, in this video I'll be breaking down the famous lines; "it wasn't me, it was ignacio, he's the one! Siempre soy amigo del cartel! Lalo didn't send you? No Lalo?" From Breaking Bad Season 2 Episode 8, "Better Call Saul."
I'll also be breaking down and discussing the characters Nacho, (aka Ignacio Varga,) along with Lalo, (Eduardo Salamanca,) going into Better Call Saul Season 6!
Does Lalo live? Does Lalo die? Where is Nacho during Breaking Bad?
Be sure to leave any opinions in the comments section below, and possibly a like if you've enjoyed the video :)
I'll see you guys next time with more Better Call Saul!
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