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Machine Learning and IOT for beginners by Google Crowdsource and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors

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104 İzlenme
*Google Crowdsource community Delhi/NCR* in collaboration with *Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors India community* is hosting an online informative session on the following:
1)Basics of ML and Importance of Crowdsource
Basics of Machine Learning and its real life applications. We will see how Crowdsource plays a great role in the field of ML.

2)Introduction, need, benefits and applications of IoT
Arduino v/s Raspberry Pi

3) Introduction to Sci-Kit Learn, HyperParameters, Model Validation and Feature Engineering for Machine Learning using Azure Notebooks.

Saturday, 31st October, 2020
Time: 6:00 PM onwards

Link to the group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LotvOYmD88PDMMGgTZI3Ew

Link to the resources:
Fill this feedback form for this session
And to receive updates about such amazing opportunities for college students



The A-Z of AI: https://atozofai.withgoogle.com/intl/en-US/

Teachable Machine: https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/

Quickdraw Data: https://quickdraw.withgoogle.com/data

About Crowdsource: https://crowdsource.google.com/about/

Crowdsource Data: https://crowdsource.google.com/about/open-source/

Notebooks for
Sci-Kit Learn, HyperParameters, Model Validation and Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and others:
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