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More cop extortion allegations as Thailand improve in corruption survey || Thailand News

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PHUKET XTRA - February 1 || Brought to you by @PVC Phuket
Hosted by: JP Mestanza || #Phuket #PhuketNews #Thailand

1- Phuket air quality takes a hit

2- Corruption questions raised over failed Phuket construction projects

3- PM warns bad cops ‘must go’

4- Pattaya cop allegedly extorted foreign tourist over e-cigarette

5- Thailand improves in corruption survey

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PSD Windows & Doors: https://bit.ly/2O0ngQy
The Phuket News TV is the video arm of The Phuket News, an English-language newspaper in Phuket, part of the Class Act Media family. Phuket Xtra is a daily news show covering Phuket Island and the latest news from Thailand. Our show intends to cover the everyday aspects of life in Southern Thailand, and the rest of the Kingdom of Thailand. Stay classy!

(VIDEO) Phuket News TV: https://www.thephuketnews.com/tv/
(NEWSPAPER) The Phuket News: http://th.thephuketnews.com/
(RADIO) Live 89.5: https://www.thephuketnews.com/radio/


Founded in 2009, Class Act Media is Southern Thailand's most comprehensive media company, incorporating newspapers and magazines (English, Russian and Thai), Radio, TV, numerous websites and an online ticketing service. At Class Act Media we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver high quality media services to residents and tourists in Phuket and all across Southern Thailand. We sincerely believe in accountability towards our clients and ensuring that each member of our team subscribes to our motto: "The client is always right".

Read more at ThePhuketNews.com
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