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National Pension System (NPS): Should you invest in NPS Scheme for Retirement? | FAQs Answered

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33 İzlenme
NPS: National Pension System or NPS is increasingly becoming a popular investment option for retirement planning. So what is NPS and what are the benefits of investing your money in the national pension scheme? What happens to your NPS corpus at the time of retirement and how do you get monthly pension or income? In this week’s episode of TOI Wallet Talks, Nirav Karkera, Head - Research at Fisdom explains in detail about NPS and its benefits and compares it to other products in the market like mutual funds and PPF.

#NPS #NPSScheme #NationalPensionSystem #NationalPensionScheme #NPSvsPPF #NPSvsMutualFunds #Pension #Retirement #NPSExplained #NPSWithdrawal #NPSCalculator

0:00- Intro
0:36- What does the NPS scheme for private sector employees and the self-employed entail?
3:43- What are the guiding principles to decide the amount to invest in NPS?
5:25- What are the merits of investing in NPS?
8:00- What is the difference between tier 1 and tier 2 NPS?
8:47- Proposed changes in NPS
10:05- What happens to the NPS corpus in case of the death of the pensioner?

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