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NEVER invest your SALARY in Large Cap Mutual Funds | 10 SALARY INVESTING MISTAKES to AVOID

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???? I will be conducting a Real Estate as an Income Stream Workshop in Goa - in June 2024 [March batch FULLY BOOKED]. Signup here:
????My Mutual Fund Portfolio:
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???? Get Honest and Spam-free Insurance advice from Ditto - https://bit.ly/3Zbf4hw
When I first started earning money, I had 0 knowledge about investing.

So I chose the easiest path that everyone else also goes for - the Mutual Fund route.

And later on, I realized, how much money I actually lost by choosing this path.

In this video, I talk about key mistakes that retail investors make in their investing journey, and why should you avoid them.
P.S: NOT AN INVESTMENT ADVICE. Please do your own due diligence.
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Stock videos from Pixabay and Pexels
Logos: Wikipedia Commons

Video and TN editor: Ayushman Khare
Finance and Crypto
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