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Our body! Body Parts Song. Vocabulary. Çocuk Şarkıları. İngilizce Şarkıları. Monica Simes

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165 İzlenme
Today we move to a new level where we learn the parts and functions of the body. Are you ready for the new adventure?
We hear with our ears ????
We see with our eyes ????
We smell with our nose ????
We drink, speak, eat, kiss with our mouth ????
We play, work, hold, hit with with our hands
We walk, run, jump , kick with our legs ????
We point, flex, wiggle our toes

Bugün vücudun parçalarını ve işlevlerini öğrendiğimiz yeni bir seviyeye geçiyoruz. Yeni maceraya hazır mısınız?


The wheels on the bus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WAJ8AECseU
In and out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfiZkpIna1g
Clap your hands: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPMKC
Finger family: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8tPxNkAQQo
Big and small: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GhrVUnfwsw
Stand up sit down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq4m08YL6kc
Shake and sing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87-rqqIdB_4
I have a little house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq4m08YL6kc
Follow me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mPigqTB89A
Count with me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMyo9f5WXZo
Do you like to ride a bicycle? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snvyNq7chdg
Let's hide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuOnbS1LrCw
In circle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jldh1DlVUZw
Pat pat pat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNlSFfJz9jk
The way we go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf1WMIr3Ghs
Come and do what the rabbit says: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvKQw...
Beşiktaş: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfzBDXVFiIs
23 Nisan Kutlu Olsun: https://youtu.be/qCdA2bMdQj4
Colors: https://youtu.be/4UpzDdmf9Mo
I love my circle: https://youtu.be/aTBfSKliPO8
Her şey güzel olacak: https://youtu.be/4f2Nm1ojCAk
Best kids songs party playlist: https://youtu.be/6dW9GuSE6-0
Bye bye goodbye: https://youtu.be/XAV1obmjro0
Good Morning Song: https://youtu.be/z2QwRBel70c
Finger family: https://youtu.be/TIPbPuIJdAY
Magic Words: https://youtu.be/oBTN5qC2-pw
Learn colors for kids: https://youtu.be/Nr5Ki7oNZtw
Learn sizes: https://youtu.be/cm3PZT8Go20
What I can do with a CHAİR? https://youtu.be/oi8U0v8F0pQ
I am a star: https://youtu.be/UaBfO6zU_pw
Mary had a little lamb: https://youtu.be/RCerWSBHBcM
Mini Concert from home: https://youtu.be/mrnn5y9XkvA
Big step small step: https://youtu.be/hkPJJYiTAXE
Breakfast Song: https://youtu.be/Gn-lW_6Xxio
Happy Birthday: https://youtu.be/ykjtIVsADUA
Where İs thumbkin: https://youtu.be/NNKuIyE5eEY
If you are happy and you know it: https://youtu.be/G2nJtp3Rpb8
Baa Baa Black Sheep: https://youtu.be/zayLknqPBvo
How to draw for kids: https://youtu.be/Z0KEaPx-iAM
Mummy and baby doing yoga:: https://youtu.be/cmoEmpR8QmE
Hadi bisiklet sürelim: https://youtu.be/fdWe3FUcQnM
We must take care of each other: https://youtu.be/N3Cg7e92r7c
Friends4ever: https://youtu.be/zkSVrzYdAKY
Ritim Çalışması: https://youtu.be/37xZGAR909c
Move and shake: https://youtu.be/Nn7su566Tjg
Cup song rhytthm: https://youtu.be/wh1ux38Qz_4
Patates Adam: https://youtu.be/iVB83ubgEeE
Yes I can: https://youtu.be/i_ZabmISSiQ
The opposites Song: https://youtu.be/pZwqB9kME_I
I am a little bunny rabit: https://youtu.be/j4NmUeSFBjw
Twinkle twinkle little star: https://youtu.be/1jjwoT9MoeA


FACEBBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/egoRalu
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/monica_simes_kids_songs/

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Thank you for watching!

Song written and performed by Monica Simes.
Exclusive world wide distribution rights to this recording and video owner by Monica Simes.

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