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Peter Lynch: How to Invest in 2023 (RARE New Interview)

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(#stocks, #investing, #peterlynch)
Peter Lynch talks about how to invest in 2023 in a recent interview on CNBC. Investing in 2023 has many people concerned given inflation, the probability of a recession, a stock market crash, and a housing crash. Peter Lynch has quite the impressive track record. Over a 13 year stretch, he produced a nearly 30% annual compounded return for his investors in the legendary fidelity Magellan fund. But even more importantly, Lynch helped bring proper investing education to the public through his legendary speeches and popular books. Unfortunately for us, most of this material is decades old and Peter rarely gives interviews anymore. That’s why it’s such a big deal that Peter gave a rare interview recently, where he shared his thoughts on the economy, the banking collapse, and how you should be investing now in the year 2023.

Peter Lynch is the author of several prominent investing bookings including One Up on Wall Street, Beating the Street, and Learn to Earn. In his books, interviews, and lectures, Lynch also popularized the 6 types of stocks: Stalwarts, Slow Growers, Fast Growers, Asset plays, and Cyclicals.

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