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Roadmap for Transitioning to Data Analytics in 2023

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???? Info about CareerFoundry:
???? Looking to start a career in Data Analytics? Check out CareerFoundry and get 10% off the Data Analytics Program until the end of the year! http://bit.ly/3zipkbJ

???? Not sure whether a career in Data Analytics is the right choice for you? Book a Call with a Program Advisor. http://bit.ly/3G5w0Of

???? Want to know what it's like to be a Data Analyst? Explore the world of Data Analytics with
CareerFoundry's free short course! Sign up now to gain insight into the field through interactive
tutorials. http://bit.ly/3lZL6Oj

???? Google form (Thu Vu's job survey): https://forms.gle/8aoMDeZxKC3cj7LF9
???? Join my Discord server to connect with data science folks: https://discord.gg/SK7ZC5XhcS
???? Luke Barousse' data job website: https://datanerd.tech/
???? Research paper about Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.10130.pdf

With the ever-increasing amount data in all industries and rapidly developing data science landscape, skilled data analysts are high in demand. In today's video, we'll be revisiting the skills and fundamental knowledge required for a data analyst. I hope this video is helpful and thank you for watching! ????

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - 2 ways to transition to data analytics
1:21 - What does a data analyst do?
3:07 - Required skills for a data analyst
6:00 - How to learn these skills & Tips
9:09 - Data analytics bootcamp (CareerFoundry - Sponsor)
10:32 - Building a data analysis portfolio
12:40 - Approaching recruiters
15:16 - How AI will affect data analyst jobs
17:27 - Conclusions/ outro

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???? SQL Courses:
Learn SQL Basics for Data Science Specialization ???? https://imp.i384100.net/AovPnJ
Select Star SQL (FREE) ???? https://selectstarsql.com/
Bipp.io SQL tutorials (FREE) ???? https://bipp.io/sql-tutorial/

???? Machine Learning courses:
Machine Learning Specialization ???? https://imp.i384100.net/RyjykN

???? Excel Courses:
Excel Skills for Business ???? https://coursera.pxf.io/doPaoy

???? Data Visualisation:
Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization ????https://imp.i384100.net/n15XWR
???? Books: https://kit.co/thuvu/books-on-data-vi...
???? Data Viz Catalog ???? https://datavizproject.com/

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