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The BBC & Comic Book Pros Start to Discover ‘The Right Side of History’ Is Penniless & Unemployable

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#TheFandomMenace #DoctorWho #RIPDoctorWho #timelordvictorious #Comics #ComicaGate #DefundTheBBC #RabbiFromAnotherPlanet #TheRabbiFromAnotherPlanet The Rabbi From Another Planet Presents “The BBC & Comic Book Pros Start to Discover ‘The Right Side of History’ Is Penniless & Unemployable”.

To download Judge Dredd: Trapped On Titan click here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WZnNzUUR_6QfXjxrzuVglo7qFKY77Mqg/view?usp=sharing

To be entered to win Judge Dredd: Origins Graphic Novel by John Wagner, Carlos Equerra and Kev Walker
a) Subscribe to this Channel.
b) Like this video.
c) Share this video on Facebook and Twitter, or leave a comment here with the hashtag #CadetRico

PLEASE NOTE - Everyone only gets ONE entree per competition, no matter how many times you hashtag - but it's probably a good idea to leave a few hastags on videos to make sure I see it.

I'll do a search for that hashtag in a week, and randomly pull out one winner to receive the DVD. Winner announced LIVE on The TardisZone (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkxY4bcPvGKYV9dh48gOQ0w) live stream (on Sunday October 4th).

And if you want to get in contact hit me up on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tzvi.lebetkin or on Twitter https://twitter.com/BiblicalComix
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