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Things To Know Before Travelling To Cuba In 2023

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Things To Know Before Travelling To Cuba In 2023.

Are you thinking of visiting Cuba in 2023? Cuba is a stunning Caribbean Island with a fascinating culture. It is not surprising that Cuba is a well-liked travel destination with its magnificent beaches, exciting towns, and distinctive culture. However, there are a few things you should be aware of before making travel arrangements to Cuba. Here are the key details you should be aware of before visiting Cuba in 2023.
#Travel #Cuba #Travelling

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00:00 Introduction
00:28 1. Cuba Tourist Card (Cuba Visa)
01:31 2. currency in Cuba
02:14 3. Health and Safety in Cuba
03:05 4. Accommodation
03:36 5. food in Cuba
04:27 6. Internet access in Cuba.
05:14 7. culture in Cuba
06:03 8. shopping in Cuba
06:43 9. weather in Cuba
07:38 10. vaccination
08:26 11. Many essential items could be in low supply

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