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Waterfront Community Church, Swansea - 1st November 2020

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Thank you for joining us online this morning.

In light of the Covid 19, we would like to share with you some guidelines and action we have taken as a church:

We have taken the decision to cancel all our services at the church for the foreseeable future. (Until further advice is given by the Welsh Government).
Please be assured that we are not reacting out of fear or panic, but entirely out of compassion for those who are most vulnerable.

This is a pre recorded service and will include; a Bible Reading, Prayer, Preaching, Greeting, a Kids story & Worship songs.

As a church, we know that it is so important for us to be proactive, positive and compassionate. If you have any concerns or would like more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

If you’d like to talk more about Christianity, join a weekly Housegroup or you are new to our online services, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!


Pastor Arnallt - [email protected]



Juniper Tree Cafe is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for take aways only.


Join us every morning at 9am this week for a daily bible reading and thought for the day with Pastor Arnallt.


On Wednesday from 7.00-7.30pm we are asking all the Church to pray from Home into the current situations.

Please visit the website for information


Don't forget that the prayer chain is active and especially important at this time. If you have any prayer requests, please add them to the chain. If you are unsure of how to do this, please contact the church directly for more details of how to get involved.


If you wish to give financially to support the work and ministry of Waterfront Church please visit the website and click on ‘Give’ for more information.


We will be back here online next week at 10.30am. We hope to see you here again.

God Bless

Follow us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaterfrontCh...
Follow us on Instagram: @waterfrontchurchswansea https://www.instagram.com/waterfrontc...
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