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Why Turkiye For Health Tourism? | Medical Services of Turkey

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44 İzlenme
Thinking of a hair transplant in Turkey? Discover how health tourism in the country offers so much more than just hair solutions!

From a mere 240,000 individuals in 2012, over 1.25 million people chose Turkey for health-related travels by 2022. Beyond hair treatments, with its 567 private health institutions, 40,000 proficient doctors, and ranking second globally in JCI-certified hospitals, the country promises top-tier healthcare.

???? Services Offered:
Advanced medical treatments: Cardiovascular surgery, Radiotherapy, Transplants.
Eye and Dental Treatments.
Spa Wellness & Thermal Tourism – Leveraging Europe's top geothermal resources.
Senior Tourism, Elder Care, and Rehabilitation in luxurious Clinical Hotels.
Customized services for the disabled.
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