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World Futures Day - Young Voices 2023 - 1

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World Future Day is held every year on March 1st to spark a global conversation on the future.


We want to make sure young people are also part of the conversation. After all, it is their future we are all talking about. Teach the Future & Millennium Project, together with partners and friends, initiated the young voices edition.

24 hour conversations about the future

March 1st is World Futures Day. Together with Teach the Future partners from around the world we will be hosting live events on Zoom to inspire young people and imagine possible futures together. We will start broadcasting at 5pm evening in every timezone!

Young people

You want to join this intergeneral conversation among people of all ages. Contact us if you are interested in facilitating a session. You can bring your ideas about the future or just listen to what other people, younger and older, have to say.

About World Future Day

World Futures Day is an annual 24-hour conversation around the world initiated by the Millennium Project in 2014 after Humanity+ launched the Future Day celebration 12 years ago. They organize a 24-hour online worldwide conversation during this day where grown-ups discuss the future. The Millennium Project, a global foresight participatory think tank, will host this conversation for everyone on the future in collaboration with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF).
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