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wWe Hosted the University of Agribusiness and Rurel Development Delegation From Bulgarian

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From the University of Agribusiness and Rural Development in Bulgaria, Vice Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Arabska, academician Dr. Delyan Plackhov and the staff of the rectorate office Mihaela Kostadinova visited our university on 11.05.2023 within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility.

The Bulgarian delegation, after their visit to the Erasmus Coordinatorship, participated in the panel titled The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development organized by the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, moderated by Dr. Ahmet Hakan Özkan, and attended by Prof. Dr. Enver Alper Güvel, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Erkan, Dr. Ahmet Erkasap and lecturer Yücel Kamar. Dr. Özkan, Dr. Arabska and Dr. Plachkov presented their paper at the panel.
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