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Yes I Can - Little Bird Song - English Children Song - İngilizce Çocuk Şarkısı - Küçük Kuş

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Yes I Can - Little Bird Song - İngilizce Çocuk Şarkısı - Küçük Kuş - Nursery Rhyme

Little bird / Yes I can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCTPhIg5XmM
5 English song / 5 İngilizce Şarkı https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNx6uLXmy7E&t=8s
Five Little Monkeys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN3nbig0euc
Kıpırdakİle Şıpırdak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FYIqmaDq8M
Greating Song - hello https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJXufhK_Qao&t=130s
Turkish Flag is Red https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD9PY8k5kOg
Bingo - B-I-N-G-O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igRy3n0Plqw
Months of The Year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPlwqGsghb0
Ten Little Indians Boy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9sXVJQ7SvU

Seviyorsan Alkışla https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmUArLtUPyM
Arkadaşım Eşşek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV_zoOmq1JI&t=4s
Kırmızı Balık Gölde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnWQKT_9td4&t=34s
Bir Gün Beş Küçük Ördek https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URNLe9FmZNU&t=85s

Vokal : Zeynep Berçem Evin - Ecrin Berrak Evin

Yes I Can - English Children Song

Little bird little bird can you clap?
No I can't. No I can't. I can't clap.
Little bird little bird can you fly?
Yes I can. Yes I can. I can fly.

Elephant elephant can you fly?
No I can't. No I can't. I can't fly.
Elephant elephant can you stomp?
Yes I can. Yes I can. I can stomp.

Little fish little fish can you stomp?
No I can't. No I can't. I can't stomp.
Little fish little fish can you swim?
Yes I can. Yes I can. I can swim.

Gorilla gorilla can you swim?
No I can't. No I can't. I can't swim.
Gorilla gorilla can you climb?
Yes I can. Yes I can. I can climb.

Buffalo buffalo can you climb?
No I can't. No I can't. I can't climb.
Buffalo buffalo can you run?
Yes I can. Yes I can. I can run.

Boy and girls boys and girls can you sing?
Yes we can. Yes we can. We can sing.
Boys and girls boys and girls can you dance?
Yes we can. Yes we can. We can dance.
We can sing. We can dance. Yes we can.
We can sing. We can dance. Yes we can.
Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can.
Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can.
Yes we can. Yes we can. Yes we can.

Yes I Can - English Child Song
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