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Achumla Jingrü - Holo Hele | Sangtam Naga Gospel Folk Song

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142 İzlenme
The theme of the song “Hele Hele” is about the love and grace of God,showered upon his creatures.Man,from time immemorial since the age of survival,on hunting to agriculture,his grace was the guiding star till to this day.

The almighty and the most high is worthy to be praised.He gave light to the darkness and brought out man to see and know his unfailing love which proved on the Calvary cross.

Artist: Achumla Jingrü Sangtam

Lyrics by Achumla Jingrü & S. Apila Sangtam

Music Produced by JHC Records

Cinematography by Kohdi Jing

MUA : Akhumla Jinglarü

Rekohlila Thonger
S Anenla Thonger
Nyüjesangla Jinglarü
Yangkhumla Thonger
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