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Catholic Sunday Mass Online (with Children) - Sunday, Solemnity of All Saints 2020

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Sunday, Solemnity of All Saints, Online Mass with Children (1 November 2020)
- Celebrated by Fr Terence Kesavan

The Catholic Mass today is celebrated all around the world. Here in Singapore, we are pleased to provide this holy Catholic Mass with children as a prerecorded broadcast in English to all Catholics and anyone interested in the Catholic faith. During Catholic Masses, it is not uncommon to hear a homily about Catholic teachings and Catholic answers to life’s questions. The Holy Mass is beautiful and stems from Jesus. Expect Catholic prayers, Catholic hymns (Christian songs) that come from 2000 years of tradition and practice. All are welcome.

Mass readings - https://www.catholic.sg/mass-readings
Upload sharing -https://www.facebook.com/Little-Faith-Steps-106072901263187
Feedback - https://go.catholic.sg/children

► MARY OUR MOTHER - a 5-part series for children and parents

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• Production by staff and volunteers of Saint Max (http://www.saintmax.sg/).
• Produced in Singapore with recordings done in different locations.
• Prevailing regulatory guidelines on health safety were adhered to.
• Webcasting by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore.
• Supported by the Office for Catechesis, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore.

• Other resources and Masses at https://www.catholic.sg/spiritual-resources-during-the-suspension-of-mass/
• Connect with the Archdiocese - https://www.catholic.sg/our-channels/
• The Lectionary for Masses with Children is published by the Liturgy Training Publications, and is approved for use in the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
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