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December 20, 2020 - Fourth Sunday in Advent (Sunday Shorts)

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120 İzlenme
Welcome to worship at Hazelwood Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Muncie, Indiana. We have entered the Advent season, and we prepare our hearts to receive the Christ born to save us from sin. You will be invited to light your own advent candle each week during worship. As a Disciples of Christ congregation, we celebrate the Lord's Supper, Communion, each Sunday. You are invited to have your bread, crackers, cookies, whatever you wish to use, ready for communion time. We also offer a special children's moment towards the beginning of our worship.

Though we are physically unable to be at the church to give our tithes and offerings, you may mail in your offering to the church office at 1400 W. University Ave., Muncie, IN 47303. Hazelwood also has a Givelify account where you may give online. If you download the app to your smartphone you can easily find us there to donate to the church through the Givelify app. You can also access Givelify through your computer if you follow this link: https://giv.li/cv3bky .

For more information about Hazelwood, go to our website at www.hazelwoodchurch.org. If you’d like to be contacted by the pastor or a staff member from the church, email [email protected] and someone will contact you. Thank you for joining us for worship online!

CCLI Lic. #1734159
CSPL#: 151374
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