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From new born baby Do you enjoy being picked up?This will stretch and improve blood circulation.

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103 İzlenme
Pick up your kids by their ankles to stretch their lower back. Kids are passively being picked up.
Babies cannot move so well, so when you change their diapers do this stretch and sing for if you can.
It will improve blood circulation and then immunity and brain development. This inversion pose is also very useful for grownups because it has anti-aging effect.

English grammar
In a sentence, there should be only one verb. Also, objects should be nouns. So after a verb, verbs should be transformed into noun forms. There are 2 ways to transform into noun forms. 1) To infinitive 2) Gerund
1) To infinitive is future oriented. For example, I want to go there.
2) Gerund is present or past oriented. in case of "enjoy" is presently progressing, so you have to use gerund "enjoy arching your back". If it is a passive sentence, "being plus Past participle". " So I enjoy being picked up."

You can learn English additionally if you play with them repeatedly. Also, when you use songs or rhythm for English learning, the lyrics can be stored in your right brain, which has unlimited capacity to store. Then, it will be an eternal memory.

Let's have fun using English.!
Jinryo-cho 2-12-3, Kasugai-city, Aichi, Japan
Created by Jinjuku
HP: http://www.jinjuku.com/
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