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Musk Meets Top Chinese Party Official in Shanghai

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Tesla CEO Elon Musk met the Communist Party Secretary Chen Jining on Thursday to discuss business in Shanghai, official media reported.

Video released by Shanghai Media Group (SMG) shows Musk and his group sitting with Secretary Chen and a group of city officials.

Chen told Musk that Shanghai is committed to providing more market access and creating a stable and efficient business environment for foreign-owned companies, according to SMG.

SMG also quoted Chen as saying that Shanghai welcomes Tesla to increase its investment and launch more products, technologies and services in the city.

Musk said he was excited about the success of Shanghai Gigafactory, operated by Tesla, adding that Tesla is willing to deepen cooperation with various partners in Shanghai in areas such as carbon reduction, SMG reported.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Musk visited Beijing and met with foreign minister Qin Gang, minister of commerce Wang Wentao and minister of industry Jin Zhuanlong.

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