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SoFi Stock | Why I started investing in it

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Welcome to the channel and feel free to comment regarding your experience with SOFI stock. Also, your subscription is much appreciated, and your support helps me bring more content like this. This video is about why I started to invest in SoFi back in 2020 and how I made a bunch of money swing trading it during 2021 until its dismal performance in 2022 when it sank.

I been recently buying in more and more #sofistock since the beginning of 2023. I am also a long-term investor in this stock. And I will start swing trading it soon once again. If you're interested in learning more about my investment strategy and how I invest long term but still swing trade then follow my journey!

To increase my total long term stock holding position and purchasing power I make swing trades and re-invest the profits. Making decisions based on the technical conditions of the Stock, the Stock Market and the FinTech and Banking sector. Stay tuned to learn more and also comment your experiences with this stock for others to learn.
#sofibank #sofistock #sofistockprediction

Learn more about sofi here.

Use my referral link to join SoFi and help me help you! And SoFi will help us both with a cool bonus.

See my other videos about investing in the banking and financial technology sector these links.
Invest in U.S. Bank and get 5% divided. ATL $27 currently trading around $30.

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Learn more about the recent earnings call following these links:
QR1 2023 Sofi CEO on
Yahoo Finance
Bloomberg Tech
Anthony Noto on Mad Money with Jim Cramer

Learn more about SoFi's bad ass CEO, Antony Noto on these links.
Anthony Noto leaves Twitter for Sofi
Anthony Noto 10 years ago as Global Head of Goldman Sachs

Learn more about SoFi educational endeavors following these links.

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