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Catch the cat! (Japan) | SuperWings Highlight | EP51

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♥ Super Wings (Subscribe the channel)

[SuperWings Highlight]

Episode 51: Catch the cat! (Japan)

Satomi is the girl who wants her cat’s attention. Jett delivers a cat toy to her in Yanesen, Tokyo (Japan). Tora doesn’t show any interest in the toy. Satomi says maybe origami will do the trick which is a Japanese traditional paper folding. While Satomi makes the origami for Tora, he sneaks outside. Yoshi the Recycling Truck collects the recyclables along with Tora! Paul and Donnie will help. Paul directs the heavy traffic and they all follow Yoshi the Truck to the recycling plant. Tora and three kittens are heading all different directions! Super Wings and Satomi save them with origami objects with cat treats. Satomi makes a great cat tower with recycled materials and now Tora has new kitten friends!

#SuperWings #cat #japan
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