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Weather or Not (Tonga) | SuperWings Highlight | EP41

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♥ Super Wings (Subscribe the channel)

[SuperWings Highlight]

Episode 41: Weather or Not (Tonga)

Ofa is a girl who lives in Tonga, who wants to be a weatherperson just like her dad. She ordered a microphone to practice for her dream. Jett volunteers to be her cameraman. However, Tonga’s beautiful sunny day is not good for a weatherperson because there is not much to report on. Jerome, Donnie, and Poppa Wheels can create the illusion of bad weather for Ofa. After a few pretend-weather reports, Astra calls Jett. She says there’s a powerful cyclone heading right to Tonga! Ofa and Super Wings have to stop the cyclone before it harms the people in the Heilala Festival. With Ofa’s strong voice coming through speakers, the sound waves blast the cyclone and make it weak. Of and Super Wings save the day with a great weather report!

#SuperWings #Tonga #weather
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