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There's No Place Like Rome (Rome) | SuperWings Highlight | EP44

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♥ Super Wings (Subscribe the channel)

[SuperWings Highlight]

Episode 44: There's No Place Like Rome (Rome)

Jett delivers a new chariot stroller with a bike to Giuseppe’s family in Rome, Italy. It’s for Giuseppe’s twin sisters, Maria and Francesca. Giuseppe is a little down because he thought maybe the package is a new bike for him. Jett and Giuseppe take a ride on a new stroller around Rome anyway. However, the stroller broke in half and now Jett is running at full speed in it. It’s time to call Super Wings to stop this chariot race on the stroller! Chase and Jerome manage to slow down the stroller with huge pizza dough. Maria and Francesca give their Giuseppe a present as a token of appreciation for being a great brother.

#SuperWings #Rome #pizza
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